The open-source map server of the Examind software suite

Examind Community is an open-source platform dedicated to the development of geographic data infrastructures. The solution enables the distribution of your geographic data and metadata through the majority of existing standard services.

Examind Community is an open-source map server capable of distributing your observation data and metadata, as well as your raster or vector data, through a single solution.

« The solution features user-friendly interfaces to guide users in their data processing operations, from data collection to information dissemination through web services.

Built on open-source libraries, GeoAPI, and Apache-SIS, the solution comes with REST APIs which makes easier the development of import and bulk processing workflows. »

Examind Community

The platform supports the entire data processing workflow, from collection to information diffusion through web services. It provides a user-friendly interface for easily handling various georeferenced data formats.


Standards services

The solution allows the implementation of most OGC services within your data infrastructure:

  • CSW : for data and metadata management,
  • WMS et WMTS : for data visualization with classic services,
  • WCS : for coverage data dissemination,
  • WFS : for vector data dissemination,
  • SOS et SensorThings : for observation data diffusion and information retrieval from connected objects.
  • WPS : for the implementation of distributed processing.

Manage your data

« Examind Community is capable of handling standard data formats (Geotiff, Shp) as well as more complex formats (NetCDF, Grib…).

Data manipulation involves the use of standards :

  • SLD : for configuring data representation styles,
  • Web Map Context (WMC) : for defining composite map scenes,
  • Geopackage pyramidé : for implementing pyramids and caching,
  • ISO 19115, Dublin Core, SensorML… : for metadata editing (with the possibility to configure thesaurus for vocabulary control)

Many ways to use this tool

The tool relies on user-friendly interfaces to guide administrators in managing the data and metadata they manipulate.

The typical use of the tool through interfaces is complemented by a set of REST APIs and the ability to configure and automate integration processes and bulk data processing, allowing for context-appropriate use in large data warehouses.

Do you want a custom development ?

As the editor of its own tools, Geomatys ensures complete mastery of each layer of development. Emphasis on compliance with OGC and ISO standards ensures the interoperability of the developed solutions. As a result, your data can be distributed via 7 different OGC services.

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