The sheer volume of this data requires the implementation of new approaches to the exploitation of geographic information. The combination of metadata processing, the implementation of distributed computing and information storage techniques, and the exploitation of cloud-computing infrastructures, now make it possible to assimilate unprecedented quantities of information. Geolocalized data from smartphones, geographical references contained in web content or in-situ sensors and connected objects have become ubiquitous. Our work covers the creation of geospatial Datalakes, their integration into public or private cloud infrastructures, and the creation of geospatial data infrastructures capable of scaling up. This expertise has led to the creation of platforms for cataloging and processing satellite data (GeoSUD, etc.); participation in the development of earth observation Datalakes (CreoDIAS); and the creation of OSINT Datalakes for analysis needs in the defense sector to combine sensor, earth observation, and web-scraping databases.